
Fallout shelter mobile save editor
Fallout shelter mobile save editor

After returning, one can collect all the things discovered by the dweller in the wasteland. One can direct a dweller through the building to fight, explore and collect items to bring back to the vault. Dwellers will come across locations from Fallout 4 seen in the explorer's update logs. One can send up to 25 dwellers to explore the wasteland to obtain extra armor, outfits, weapons, recipes and caps. Putting two dwellers with the same surname in the living rooms or any of its upgrades will trigger a conversation between the characters citing "Nothing like hanging out at home with my family." Automated surnames of children are of their parent of the opposite gender, female offspring will follow the last name of the father, male offspring will follow the last name of the mother. Many of the dwellers, weapons, outfits, and pets are featured from other Fallout games, most noticeably Fallout 3 and Fallout 4. Vault dwellers can also be acquired with additional levels, attributes, outfits and weapons if acquired through lunchboxes or exploring the wasteland. SPECIAL attributes can also be boosted with SPECIAL rooms such as classrooms or armories. attributes and are most commonly set between 1 and 3. All dwellers have their own individual S.P.E.C.I.A.L. Whenever a dweller levels up a number of caps are gained equal to their new level. Basic dwellers start at Level 1 and can be upgraded up to Level 50 through working, preventing hazards and scavenging.

fallout shelter mobile save editor

To increase the vault dweller population, one can wait for them to show up at random, mate two dwellers, get them from lunchboxes, or produce a radio studio.Įach dweller will spawn with only a vault jumpsuit and their fists for a weapon.

fallout shelter mobile save editor

Vault dwellers are an essential part of the game and are required for: operating production rooms, reproducing, protecting the vault from raider and deathclaw attacks and scavenging the wasteland.

Fallout shelter mobile save editor